A blog about real love poems, letters, and notes that I've written to my girlfriend.

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Sunday, October 10, 2010

Insult to Injury

Boy do I have some big news for you guys. We just celebrated our six month anniversary!!

To commemorate this special occasion, I of course did something really sweet for my girlfriend. Unfortunately though, she didn't think it was as sweet as I did. And as a result of that, I'm staying at my grandparents house for a few days.

I'm currently writing this entry from a public library computer, as my grandparents are incredibly old and don't believe in things like "fancy electronical equipment," so I will have to enlighten you, my dear readers, at a later date.

Check back soon and wish me luck :D


  1. this is a good follow up post to the previous one

    I have a new post on GTL Everyday too :)

  2. I'm looking forward to it. It seems like you're always in the dog house. haha.

  3. Glad to hear it! Hope everything works out fantastically!

  4. You kind of deserve it, the way you treat her. Jerk.

  5. Aww good luck! I wonder what you did that she didn't like!?!!

    Maybe it's one of those things that needs to sink in before she realizes how awesome it truly was.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. good luck with that ! :)

  8. uhoh Well I hope it gets resolved soon!

  9. I like how nonchalant you are about the entire situation.

    You really need to get a laptop. :P

  10. What did you do? ALso thanks for the comment, so what type of beer was it?

  11. Thanks guys, update is coming soon i promise.

    @Sweetas: i believe it was called consecration.

  12. Congrats, I'm nearing my first year with my GF =)

    Cool little post, please check out my Razer Lycosa review on my blog =D

  13. Dude, that sounds incredibly awesome and I can't wait for the story to come... I do think you probably deserved it though but whatever, probably was a winners move too!

  14. she needs to be more appreciative

    btw, check out my new bubbles on Enhanced by MS Paint :)
