A blog about real love poems, letters, and notes that I've written to my girlfriend.

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Monday, October 4, 2010

I am a Lightweight

Today's piece is entitled "I am a Lightweight" and it goes a little something like this:

You throw like a ninny
You eat like a mouse
You poop like a midget
And you gossip like a louse

But babe when it comes to booze, 
You drink like there's nothing to lose

Like a noble sailor on the open seas,
You down that Jack Daniels with ease!
As I lay on cold floor, feeling my poor tummy roar, 
You chill with my friends until the night ends
Drawing dicks on my face

Not cool.

Though I kid about alcohol, ladies, you should keep this in mind....

That's just sexist.


  1. Ha nice. Another good one man.
    Sorry to hear she has a higher tolerance. I hope it's not because she has more mass.

  2. hahaha...Alcohol is like the worst substance to drink.....

  3. Ahaha, that's great man. I actually lol'd on that one. XD

  4. Bahaha, definitely following this!

  5. lmao at the bottom pic, i'm a leightweight too =D

  6. This is absolutely hilarious. Really man, loved this one.

  7. Hahah nice poem, you have some talent in writing.

  8. That picture scares me. Oi. Maybe I should stop drinking, I don't want to look like that. And I'm a man!.

  9. LOL !! Seriously another quality post man !!

  10. That's hilarious. I have a couple friends I'm going to send that to.

  11. awesome poem, its me to a t, although havent had the dickface moments

  12. Your comment page wasnt loading, took me 5 tries:( Anyway nice piece of writing today:)

  13. lol awersome post ;)
    supp and followin u

  14. Keep up the good work! If you like bubbles, check out my other blog, Enhanced by MS Paint!

  15. Your poems are always funny!
